Hello World!!


by msx47

[edited ]

1 minute read
digital image of mountainsdigital image of mountains

starting out

After months of delaying and finding excuses, I am committing to working on a new year resolution of writing more articles.

some context

Sometime last year, I bought the domain, mohits.dev, without having an actual plan about what I was going to use it for (always works great).

Around October last year, I decided on and started building a blog from scratch.

Why didn't I use something like hashnode to get a blog service up and running?

Well, because I find the process of building something complex from the ground up very appealing. Also, third-party services wouldn't have all the customization I wanted.

Thus, starting fall last year I slowly built this website. During this time I have learned a lot of things that I most definitely wouldn't have if I had just used a blog service.


I plan to write at least one article per week. I have never really done any serious writing before, so this should be fun. The articles would mainly be about something I learned or something I know that I think can benefit others, etc.

While developing this blog, I wanted to reduce the image loading bottleneck, which led me to explore image processing and how to optimize them for loading. Thus, the first blog would be about how to create a small image processing/optimization pipeline for resizing images using the sharp npm module.

thanks for reading :)